Sunday, April 12, 2009

Field Trip Reflections

Well, we made it to Austin and back alive! Every year's trip is exciting, fun, and just a little bit different than any other year. This year was no exception.

Everyone arrived at school on time, and we were able to depart by 7:00 A.M., just as planned. We have used Cowtown Charters for years, now, and we continue to have good experiences with the buses. Our driver was named Chief, and he gave us a friendly welcome as we rolled out of the parking lot. The students got settled in right away, and within two or three minutes hardly a passenger could be found without some kind of portable gaming device in hand. Some brought PSPs, others Nintendo DSs (myself included), and a few even had the new Nintendo DSi. I enjoyed getting to see that up close. The two screens are appreciably bigger, and the user interface is slicker. The DSi is a little slimmer than the DS Lite, but it is difficult to notice. Of course, it has other features like the two cameras and several software enhancements, but all in all, I didn't suffer any envy over not owning one myself.

Chief made good time. So good, in fact, that we arrived at Inner Space Cavern almost two hours before our first group was scheduled to enter the cave. The past couple of years, our bus drivers have stopped at the Flying J south of Waco on the way down. We built that time into our itinerary this year, so we found ourselves with some extra minutes at the cavern. The nice thing was that no one seemed to mind. Most of our groups got their mining activity and souvenir buying finished before descending into the cave. Our cave guide did an excellent job, as usual. A couple of improvements made the cave experience even better this year than in the past. Our guide took a class picture of us down in the first room. She told us that they only began offering that about a week ago, so we were fortunate to have scheduled our trip when we did. Another thing that made the cave experience better was that in one area of the cave, a small niche was enclosed in glass to display fossils of some of the cave animals. The niche has always been there, but in past years, the humidity has fogged up the glass to the point where you couldn't really even see what was behind it. Well, someone had the bright idea of replacing one of the glass panes with a wire screen, and that made all the difference in the world. I've been in that cave seven times, and this was the first time I could actually see the fossils. After our cave tour had ended, I bought a spelunker helmet for my son and a little stuffed lion for my daughter, and before long, we were all back on the buses and headed for the state capitol in Austin.

We arrived at the capitol right at 3:00 P.M., and before we even entered the building, we had the privilege of meeting Chris Turner, one of our state representatives. He took a couple of pictures with our school group and then graciously offered to show us around the House of Representatives as each class made its way through the capitol. I found it exciting to step past the ropes onto the floor of the House. We have never had that opportunity before. Representative Turner shared a little bit about his job with us and showed us how the voting works on the big boards at the front of the chamber. He also showed us his desk. It was a very special chance to get to interact with one of our elected officials. He even answered questions from the students. I hope our group understood what an honor that was. Afterward, we went to the Senate and got to see that the room is smaller with fewer desks. We also got to see the two large paintings of famous Texas battles in the Senate chamber. I learned this year that when those paintings were restored, they had to lower them out through the second story windows, because they are too big to fit through the doors. It makes me wonder how they got the paintings in the room to begin with. To complete our tour, we went back downstairs to visit the Rotunda, the South Foyer, and the Capitol Extension, all of which are interesting in their own right. Then it was off to the Bob Bullock Texas State History Museum after a brief stop for a class picture outside the capitol.

I enjoy the Bob Bullock Museum, because it contains so much of what I teach all year under one roof. My first trip to the museum was in 2002, I believe. It was so nice to see that in 2009, seven years later, all of the interactive exhibits are still in great shape and have withstood the constant button-mashing of countless school groups over the years. The museum personnel are very picky about behavior, so I was glad to see that our students all behaved themselves while touring the exhibits. I know it may seem a bit gross, but I must say that my favorite item in the whole museum is Santa Anna's silver chamber pot on the second floor. I can't imagine how rich or how vain you would have to be to own a silver chamber pot. My favorite interactive exhibit is the one that allows you to smell the same thing that Patillo Higgins smelled when he took his Sunday School class to Spindletop, where he later struck oil. We are just about to study this event at school, so the exhibit provides a wonderful opportunity for students to experience the same thing that they read about in the textbook. The last thing we did at the museum was to watch the Star of Destiny presentation in the Lone Star Theater. It is not really a movie. It is more of a 3-D multimedia presentation on three screens. The show lasts about 15-20 minutes and gives a brief review of important moments in Texas history. I know that may not sound very interesting, but the show has some surprises in store for the audience, such as simulating a rattlesnake strike and raining on everyone during the part that tells about the Galveston hurricane. There were many screams, followed by laughs during these parts of the show. It was a fun way to wrap up the instructional part of our day.

After leaving the museum at 6:00 P.M., we headed to Round Rock to eat supper at Cici's Pizza. When we got there, two other tour buses were already parked in the lot. It was a little frustrating, because we had talked with Cici's ahead of time to make sure that they would be ready for us. Anyway, it took a little longer than we would have liked to get in and serve ourselves, but the pizza bar never ran out of pizza, and I think the students enjoyed eating there. After all, this trip is for them, and if they have a good time, then that is what's important.

Heading back to Mansfield, I think we teachers were more worn out than the students, but that is pretty much the case every year. It took us a little longer to get back than we had anticipated because of the wildfires near Hillsboro. We had to take a detour that led us through Italy and Milford, but finally we rolled into the school parking lot around 11:00 P.M. I think the lesson I learned from the day was that there are at least two things I have no control over: Mother Nature and Cici's Pizza. My son was excited to see the huge charter buses, and he loved the spelunker's helmet that I brought him. I think he would have even worn it to church for Easter today if we had let him. When everything has been said and done, I know that for me, it was just one more successful trip to Austin, but I hope that for our students the day was a trip that they will never forget. That's the reason we keep doing this year after year.


  1. Mr.Butler when we went to Austin it was fun because we where going to the Capital,Inner Space Cavern and it will be realy fun playing with all of my things like everybody brought their psp.Nintendo Ds AND A DSI.

  2. Dear Mr.Butler,
    The best part of the field trip for me was at the cave.That was the best part because our tour guide (Mike) showed us this really cool thing in the roof top, when we were going back. It was called a Cave Cactus.That was cool..At the capitol did the fourth grade teachers plan to meet Chris Turner or were we just lucky? Mr.Butler why is the capitol your favorite? Back at the cave. Some places where we went we could make fairytale stories out of the rocks. The Bob Bulluck Museum was great because we got to see old things about Texas. Another cool thing about the museum was seeing the real lady that goes on top of the capitol.What did you learn on the field trip? I learned alot of things on the whole field trip that what I learned.The Austin was the best field trip that I ever been to. I think it was really cool.

    Thank You,

  3. Hi Mr.butler,I thought the fild trip was asome!!!I think the bus driver made grat timeing too.That was sooo nice to give your son and doter a gift at the shop.My favorit part was whin I eat a HUGE hot dog at the interspacecaverne.when we got in the cave i was not as exsited as last time.this is the 4th time I went.and after that i took a long nap...Zzz.PS, come talk whit me after school to tell you about my new stor that i gust opened.BY!!!!

  4. Dear Mr.Butler,

    What was different from this year's fourth grade class experince than from what the other past fourth grade class's experince??? And why did we get to meet Chris Turner instead of Rick Perry or any other people who work's there??? Also my favorite part was the Bob Bulluck Museum because that's where I got to learn about Ranch Handler's and people who work on rig's!!! Also the museum has a GREAT gift shop!!! and 3 floor's of learning and the past. The Star of Destiny show was not thrilling with stuff poking you in the seat and water spitting on you tell you get part of the way wet and the doll thy showed looked half boy and half girl!!! Also Inter Space Cavern was not so thrilling ethier I did not enjoy one point baecause when I was walking with my parents a bat awoke and swoop down in front of my mom's face and behind mine!!! It was spookey!!! That is my experince of Bob Bulluck and Inter Space Cavern.

  5. Mr.Butler, I loved the movie it made a laugh come out of me. But Cici's was nasty. The noodles taste hard and even the pizza was hard too! The Cici's was much better in Mansfield. The only food that was good was the desert and the drink. OMG! The movie and the mining place were so awesome. I want to go again every single day! And the charter buses were awesome. I like the lights. My friend and I were so lucky because we were in front of the flat screen TV. That was so cool!

  6. Mr.Butler my favorite thing of the musem was the same thing as yours Santa Annas's silver chamber pot.The thing that I didn't like was the Cicis waiting in line like for ten minutes because we were in the back of line.In the bus it was awsome heading back home because we got to play alot of video games and share them.

  7. How many other classes before us did this????????
    by the way I LOVED IT!!:) To bad we don't do this every day huh! I alredy am bored.I'm pretty sure
    Gazz1427 is bored just like me.

  8. Dear Mr.Butler, The feild trip was awsome wait it was not just awsome it was amazing.Inter Space Cavernwas was a blast it was Fun to get to go mining because we got to see what rocks that were in that one big bag of dirt.Today we got are rock chart to see what rocks that we got when we got to mind for rocks.When we got to go in the cave it was amazing to see what has happen in this cave for thousands or maby millions of years.It was amazing for me to go to the capitol.

  9. Vanessa, the Capitol is my favorite because I get to give the tour. :-) We got to meet Chris Turner because I met him a couple of months ago at a conference, and he was kind enough to offer to show us around on our trip to the Capitol. I thought that was nice of him to take time from his busy schedule to do that. As far as what I learned is concerned, I learned that you can pay for a special tour to take you farther back into the cave and off the path. That would be cool.

  10. Mr.Butler my favroit parts of the Austin field trip was the inner space caverns the BoB bullock Texas state history musuem and Cicis pizza.I liked the inner space caverns becuas it has stors.And when we whent in whe saw sodas strows

  11. Mr.Butler I loved the Austin field trip a lot It was so much fun I really loved the star of Destiny movie It was the funest field trip I have ever had in my life I was so cool we learned intresting facts

  12. MrButler, I loved the field trip it was great the field trip its DEFENLY a day I will NEVER forget.The musem was great it was so big Texas hes shure lots of history.The caves where asome and the movie was so cool.Texas is great it has lots of great tings to do and to see.

  13. My favorite part of the Austen letter was the muesem because it is cool you get to see alot of cool things.You get to exsplor and yougot to see the Santa ana pot but that sems kind of gross.

  14. $$monkey$$,
    As far as different things go, there wasn't too much that was different. This was the first year that they took class pictures down in the cave. This was the first year I remember that we got to meet a state representative. This was also the first year that we ate at Cici's Pizza. Other than that, it was pretty much the same trip. To learn why we met Chris Turner, please read my reply to Vanessa's post.

  15. The Austin field trip must've been fun. If I would of gone I would of brought my DS and played against someone. My favorite part would oof been the inner space cavern because i've never been to a cave before. I would of stuffed up with pizza at cicci's pizza.I would of kept everything I would of bought.

  16. Mr. Butler,

    I really liked you being our tour guide you explain everything whit details even my sister liked how you explained everything. My favorite place was ... actually I liked all of the places. I liked the Bob Bullock Museum because it shows you as you go up how Texas was doing better everytime. I liked the Inner Space Caverns because Its shows you a lot of stuff I liked when we got to look fo mineals. Oh the Capitol I have alot to say. First we had the best tour guide that can give you any information about the capitol. I love to meet new persons and this was one of my times I liked it when we met the represantive Chris Turner. I liked how in some places the bulbs said Texas . It was really nice for the Capitol to give us thelittle baggies whit the ruler,sticker,postcard and the pencil I think the pencil and ruler will come in handy next year.

  17. MR.BUTLER Yo quisiera que todos fueran al museo de Austin, para que dean todo lo que dimos, porque ese museo estada didertido pero en el museo me canse mucho, parque el museo estada muy largo.

  18. I like going to cici's pizza. Going to Austin Field Trip was so much fun. The best trip was the cave but it was cold in side the cave.

  19. Mr.Butler if i shouldn`t gone my favorite place would be The Inner Space Cavern but im glad you had fun.

  20. a mi me gusta el cici's pizza.y a austin para ir.
    a las cavernas de austin como son mui bonitas.
    para todos los niños tanbien para todos .

  21. I am so happy that I went to Austun field trip. cici's pizza was fun espeshley wen you get to site with your frends

  22. Hi Mr.butler my favorite parts were when we went
    to the Bob Bullock Museam and the Inner Space
    Cavern after we went to the caves they gave us
    a bag to find some minirals.

  23. Hola,
    Me gusta mucho el blog porque se puede conversar sobre las cosas actuales de la clase. Ademas, hay un espacio para los estudiantes para dar sus opiniones, ideas, o simplemente para decir lo que estan haciendo sin tener que opinar sobre un tema especifico (Students shout-outs). Tanto el Sr. Butler como los estudiantes estan haciendo un excelente trabajo con el Blog.

  24. Dear Mr.Butler,

    That would be cool to go father into the cave. maybe i will go one day.To meet Chris Turner at a conference is cool. Well thank you for answering my question.


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