Monday, April 6, 2009

Austin Field Trip

This Thursday our fourth grade classes are headed to Austin on our annual science/social studies field trip. This is my sixth year to make the trip, and it is by far my favorite field trip of all time. We take chartered buses with televisions and a bathroom on board, the students get to bring personal electronic devices, and because everyone understands the ground rules and follows them, there is very little stress. Inner Space Cavern is very cool, but I may actually prefer the capitol. I like it better for a couple of reasons: I teach Texas history all year, so I get a kick out watching my students' faces as they get up close and personal with what they've been studying in my class; and I think I also enjoy it because I get to play tour guide as we run (almost) through the capitol. In addition to these two sites, we also visit the Texas State History Museum -- all in one day! I wonder what my students are looking forward to the most.


  1. Hey Mr.Butler I think you would be a great (almost)tour guide. I am looking foward to having fun on the trip!!!!!!!!

  2. Mr.Butler,
    I can't wait till the field trip and i can't wait till i see the capitol,i like your blog too!We been working hard on searching on caves and we learned all the things we are gonna see so i can not wait i keep on talking to my parents and all of my friends about the field trip,because i am so excited to go Whoopie!!!!

  3. Mr.Butler I think that you will be a great (almost)tour guide. I am looking foward to the field trip. I want to have fun and watch people goof off.

  4. mr.butler I can't wait for the Austin field trip.It's going to be so much fun.Plus were going to watch tv in the charter buses.

  5. This Austin field trip thing sounds cool. How you say its youre favorite field trip i would want to take a picture of the capital of Texas.

  6. This is the best information.Except the learning part.The really best part is that we can take electronic divices.

  7. mr,butler,grat page but do the buses realy have bathroom?????anywas grat page hope evey student/stranger can see this page.hay mr.butler show your wife.......LOL

  8. Hey, Vanessa,

    What do you mean "almost"? Are you trying to tell me something? :-)

  9. Gazz1427,

    Yes, the buses really do have bathrooms, but we try to save them for emergencies only. Remember, whatever we put in will stay with us all the way down and all the back. Yuck! :-P

  10. Mr.Butler,

    Well in the passage it says I teach Texas history all year, so I get a kick out watching my students' faces as they get up close and personal with what they've been studying in my class; and I think I also enjoy it because I get to play tour guide as we run (almost) through the capitol. So thats why i put that. The world is going to see that (almost) that is why i put it on thier.

  11. Mr.Butler ,
    I am so excited that we have been studing about the Capatil and now we're really going to see it. also I can't wait to see all the amazing stuff without having to look at a page all day and not get to see all the stuff. but now we get to see the real thing!!! enjoy Austin!!

  12. mr.butler,
    going to austin field trip is going to be cool. I cant wait to go to the caves and get rocks I cant belive it its almost hear !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  13. Dear Mr.Butler, I can not wait to go to the Austin Feild Trip. I have been telling my brother and dad about this because it is my frist time ever to be in Austin.I would like to see the capitol because it would be amazing to see where Rick Perry works and to see where other important people work.This feild trip would be the most amazing feild trip I have ever been.

  14. Hey Gazz1427,

    Mr.Butler is right it will stay. I know this because Mrs.Bond told us the same thing. I don't think that you would want to have a yucky ride all the way back? Ewwwwwww!!!!!!!!

  15. I would like to talk to smart brain who came up with that idea...I like it.Do the buses really have TV's?

  16. Vanessa ,
    you are right about bathrooms. The back seat may look cool but the come with something else. Trust me you don't want to sit back there!!! let's just say... SIT UP FRONT!!! I mean it you'll be safe there. YUCK!!!

  17. mr butler,

    going to the fild trip Austin will be cool.
    and going to caves will be spooky and cool to.
    and seeing tv in a bus is cool and games to.

  18. your funny mr.butler.LOL i like your littel face on the last note you sent me.P.S.thatis sortof yukey.:*)

  19. Mr.Butler that was great I think when we go to Austin where going to shok becuas Austin looks coul.

  20. I bet Mr. Butler has a good time being a tour guide. I mean almost a tour guide. I think it would be nice if we had an almost tour guide.

  21. This field trip is going to bethebest of all. Ive been seing websites at school and been learning about it.Its mostly fun beacuse we get to bring our electronics.

  22. I hope that we are going to have fun on the Austin Field Trip.Do the buses really have TV'S?
    Going to the fild trip is going to be so so much fun.

  23. Hey mr.Butler I think the Austine fiel trip will
    be fun because I never ben to the Capital of Austine but I have been in Austine but not on the
    Capital I think it will be so cool!!!!

  24. Mr.Butler your right about which book is better, because THE invention of Hugo cabret is a good book to read because it is like and adventure book and I like adventure books.

  25. yo queria ir austin a ber las cavernas de austin
    de como son y me gustaria ir pero no boi a ir
    porque no me firmaron la oja para ir.

  26. Mr.Butler ?are they going to have chans to clean the restroom or are they going to live thom like that?One more thing ?are the tv`s going to have the same chanal?

  27. I would of enjoyed the field trip if I was going. I'm not going but I could think about it. I imagine how it would have felt riding in those fancy busses.

  28. Hey Mr.Butler I am so ixited to go on the Austin field trip.I cant wait to go to the Space Cavern
    and the capitol.And I am ixited to go on the train.And I cant wait to go to the Museum

  29. The Austin Field Trip is going to be fun we are gonna visit the capitol and the caves that is sssssoooooooooo ccccccccccccccccooooooooooooooolllllllllllllllll!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  30. HAY mr.butoler,if u r reading this note im at home.P.s my mom said HI!!!!see u at school:>

  31. Hey Gazz1427,
    Thanks for the shout-out! I always appreciate it. :-) By the way, I created an area today for folks that just want to say, "Hi!" If you look in the "Other Pages" section of this blog, you'll find a link to a page called "Student Shout-Outs." You may find that to be a more useful place for saying, "Hola." It's great to see you accessing this blog from home. That's what I love to see. Remind me tomorrow, and I'll give you a couple of tickets for it. See you around! :-)

  32. I tought the Austin Field Trip was awesome. My favorite part was when we went to the Inner Space Caverns and to the Bob Bullock Museum.

  33. Mr.Butler i want to go back to Austin Inner Space Caverns was awesome i bought another bag of dirt with my friend we found huge rocks and also i liked the Star Of Destiny where the lights flashed on and off with the mist but Cici's was also fun and i learned a lot at the Capitol i want to go back


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