Saturday, April 4, 2009

First Murmurings

Astonishing. My first blog, first post, and I have nothing to say. I have an idea of what I want this place to look like when I'm done, but I'm feeling pretty short on words of wisdom at 11:30 PM on a Saturday night. Well, it should be an adventure, and I hope that it grows into something useful for my students at school.

1 comment:

  1. kasandra,
    mR.BuTlEr you allwace have grate ideas I cAn CoUnT oN yOu .
    PEACE OUT!!!!!!!!! :]


Thanks for your comment! I'll check it and try to get it posted within 24 hours.

¡Gracias por su comentario! Intentaré revisarlo y publicarlo dentro de 24 horas.